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Flu Home Remedies and Medications for Children


The most common reason for a child’s visit to the doctor is a regular cold. Although colds seldom cause significant issues, they can be stressful for parents and caregivers. A cold generally lasts a week or two, and children usually recover on their own, without the need for medicine.

Here are some ways on how parents can help their child who’s experiencing a cold:

  • Dehydration can occur as a result of fever and loss of appetite, so provide lots of fluids to your kid.
  • Encourage your child to rest and eat healthy meals despite the lack of appetite.
  • Dress your child in layers that are easy to put on and take off during chills or fevers.
  • Fever, aches, and pains can be relieved with acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Take care to use the proper dosage.

Parents are advised to be careful on purchasing cough and cold medicine from the nearby independent pharmacy since some cough and cold medications can also have significant adverse effects, such as decreased breathing, which can be fatal. It is preferable to treat this common childhood disease with rest and care, with medicines used only when the symptoms are extremely painful or making it difficult for the kid to breathe or sleep.

Before giving your kid over-the-counter cough or cold medicine, check with your doctor or pediatrician to see whether it is safe. If so, follow the package directions exactly so that you provide the correct quantity. It is critical to understand when your child requires medicine and when they can go without it.

If you have any concerns about the medications, visit your retail pharmacy in Menifee, California, or your health care practitioner.

Lotus Pharmacy‘s pharmacist is skilled enough to advise you on both medical and non-medical approaches to treat your child’s cold.

Keep in touch with your pharmacy in California for updates and advice!

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